Things you need to consider after weight loss surgery
In addition to adhering to prescribed dietary, exercise, and medical recommendations for sustaining weight loss, it’s crucial to be mindful of certain additional factors following weight loss surgery.
Knowing what foods to eat
Consuming less calories doesn’t mean not eating your favourite foods or calorie counting.
Hypnosis and Weight Management
Hypnosis for weight management taps into the subconscious mind, offering a powerful tool to reshape habits, address emotional eating, and foster a mindset for lasting success in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Janine Rod, Psychologist and Clinical Hypnotherapist tells us more.
Mindful Eating
Eating mindfully can help you notice when you’re hungry and break mindless eating habits.
The Importance of Multivitamins After Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric Surgery has permanent
effects on how well your body
absorbs some nutrients. Bariatric Vitamins enhance your quality of life post-surgery.
Hair Loss after Weight Loss
You may notice more hair fall than usual in the months directly after Bariatric
Surgery. Initially, this is a common side e ect of the procedure as your
body adjusts.
The Psychology of Eating
The psychology of eating explores the intricate connections between our thoughts, emotions, experiences, and food choices, shedding light on the complex factors that influence our dietary behaviours. Janine Rod tells us more.